
To be able to build a new foundation we need to remove the older one. Depending on the stability of the previous structure we have usually several stones to remove -- to put it metaphorically. Everybody's background is different and depending on your level of 'Toxicity', I advise to remove excess 'Debris' from your system before we commence to build anew.


Detox is popular, but I hold a deeper and truer understanding and will guide you accordingly. Meaning;

I understand that only the body itself can instigate a detox procedure and not, contrary to trendy beliefs:

a pill, juice, oil, food, or any other type of concoction. Detoxing is a very natural action of the body

that takes place at any given moment and does not need any direct outside assistance.


I offer several different ways for a person to 'Detox'. The most effective ones being: 'Water and Juice Fasting'. As we are all at a different 'Toxicity' level I will determine after your 'Consultationswhich option will suit you best.


I also support other peoples detox retreats with;

  •  Motivational Talks
  • Juice and Food Preparations   



   "To eat is a necessity -- but to eat intelligently is an art"

                                                                                                                                              La Rochefoucauld



Please book your health consult with me when you feel that you will need help with your new health path.


We can chat through "Skype" or "Zoom." Let me know any additional information in the "Comments" section when booking that I will need to effortlessly connect with you.


I look forward in talking with you.


Thank you.

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